Source code for sutools.cli_handler

import inspect, os, argparse, logging, sys, asyncio

[docs]class CLI: """object designed for swift module CLI configuration""" def __init__(self, desc, logs, log_obj=None): """init top-level parser""" # define the name of the cli application as the file name of the module which is importing this class = os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[-1].filename)[:-3] # define root parser self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(, description=desc) # add commands subparser self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command") self.func_dict = {} # init empty func dict self.log_obj = log_obj # store copy of the log object for logging compatibility self.input = None if log_obj: self.log = log_obj.loggers # extract functional logger list # toggles logs for cli commands if not logs and log_obj: for logger in vars(self.log).values(): # iterates through all loggers logger.setLevel( logging.CRITICAL + 1 ) # sets logs to 1 above critical i.e. 51
[docs] def add_funcs(self, func_dict): """add registered functions to the cli""" self.func_dict = func_dict # assign function dictionary property # iterate through registered functions for func_name, items in func_dict.items(): names = items['names'] # collect arg names types = items['types'] # collect types of arg arg_types = [types.get(name, None) for name in names] defaults = items['defaults'] # collect default args # init arg help and arg description ahelp = f"execute {func_name} function" # collect command description signature = inspect.signature(func_dict[func_name]['func']) # collect names and params for a given function params = [] for name, param in signature.parameters.items(): # check if function contains annotations if param.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty: # if default arg exists display in docs if param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty: params.append( f"{name}: {param.annotation.__name__} = {param.default!r}" ) else: params.append(f"{name}: {param.annotation.__name__}") else: if param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty: params.append(f"{name} = {param.default!r}") else: params.append(f"{name}") # define return type if exists for docs if "return" in types: adesc = f"{func_dict[func_name]['func'].__name__}({', '.join(params)}) -> {str(types['return'].__name__)}" else: adesc = f"{func_dict[func_name]['func'].__name__}({', '.join(params)})" # define help string if items['desc'] is not None: ahelp = items['desc'] # init sub parser subp = self.subparsers.add_parser( func_name, help=ahelp, description=adesc, argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, add_help=False, ) # create abbreviations for named short name abbrevs = set() for name, atype in zip(names, arg_types): # if arg is contains a default define a short name if name in defaults: # default abbreviation is the first 2 characters short_name = name[:2] # if space is taken define short name as just the list character if short_name in abbrevs: short_name = name[-1] abbrevs.add(short_name) # if there exists a short name with the same first and # last chars do not define one try: subp.add_argument( f"-{short_name}", f"--{name}", metavar=str(atype) if atype is not None else None, type=atype, default=defaults[name], help=f"default: {defaults[name]}", ) except argparse.ArgumentError: subp.add_argument( f"--{name}", metavar=str(atype) if atype is not None else None, type=atype, default=defaults[name], help=f"default: {defaults[name]}", ) else: # if variadic allow any number of args if items['variadic']: subp.add_argument( name, nargs='*', type=atype, help=str(atype) if atype is not None else None ) else: subp.add_argument( name, type=atype, help=str(atype) if atype is not None else None ) # overide help & place at end of options subp.add_argument( "-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit." )
[docs] def parse(self): """initialize parsing args""" self.input = self.parser.parse_args() # if command in input namespace if self.input.command: # retrieve function and arg names for given command func_meta = self.func_dict[self.input.command] args = [] kwargs = {} # if variadic define args and kwargs if func_meta['variadic']: func = func_meta['func'] try: for arg in vars(self.input)['*args']: if '=' in arg: k,v = arg.split('=') kwargs[k] = v else: args.append(arg) except KeyError: # pass because args & kwargs are already defined empty pass else: # unpack just the args and function func, arg_names = ( func_meta['func'], func_meta['names'], ) # collect args from input namespace args = [getattr(self.input, arg) for arg in arg_names] # run function with given args and collect any returns if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): returned =*args, **kwargs)) else: returned = func(*args, **kwargs) # print return if not None if returned: print(returned) # exit the interpreter so the entire script is not run sys.exit()